Still Hangin' Around in Lower Alabama
Summedrale, AL - Events of Tuesday, November 19 to Monday, November 25, 2013
RVers frequently hold gatherings in the afternoon where they share beverages, snacks and conversation. The gatherings have several different names, but they are usually called "happy hour." Some of the gatherings are impromptu and some are planned. On Tuesday, we had a planned happy hour at our rig and invited Darrell, Judy, Jim and Ellie. Everyone brought their chairs and beverages of choice, and we provided some snacks.
Ellie, Jim, Judy, Darrell, Margery and Paul
The weather was a little cloudy and cool, but we still had a good time sharing stories about our RVing adventures. Much of our conversation this time centered around residential refrigerators. Ellie is trying to talk Jim into having one installed in their motor home.
We didn't do much for the next several days except hang around Rainbow Plantation. We took a couple of walks, did a few minor projects, read and watched TV.
We got a promotional e-mail from Sam's Club saying their stores were holding their annual "Taste of the Holidays" on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. "Taste of the Holidays" meant they would be having more than their usual number of food samples, so we planned to run a few other errands on Friday and then stop at Sam's to pick up a few items and to check out their samples.
On Friday morning when Margery tried to use the microwave, we heard lots of zapping and crackling noises, so she quickly turned it off. At first we thought something metal accidentally got put into the microwave. We checked it out and there was no metal. Paul hit the start button again briefly, and he could see sparks flashing through a grill opening in the back corner before everything went completely dead. Uh oh. That can't be good.
We have a microwave/convection oven. The most likely component to cause that kind of arcing when trying to use the microwave portion of the oven was a bad magnetron. A quick check on the internet didn't turn up any available sources for a magnetron for our make and model oven. Since we figured the cost of a service call plus the cost of the part would be high, it wouldn't be worth investing that much in an 8-year old microwave. Not only that, but we would probably have to pay for two service calls - one to diagnose the problem so a part could be ordered and a second to install the part when it arrived. Therefore, we decided to bite the bullet and check out new convection/microwaves while we were out.
To make a long story short, no one stocks over-the-range convection/microwaves. Larger stores like Home Depot and Lowe's stock some models in their local warehouse, but not at the store. We found one we liked at Home Depot that was in stock at the warehouse, so we ordered it. When it arrives in a few days, Paul will get busy with the installation, and we'll have an update on how it went.
In the meantime, Margery will have to get creative with her menus since the microwave/convection oven is out of commission and we don't have a regular oven in our motor home. She will have to remember to thaw everything in advance, and everything will have to be cooked on the stove top. We'll be roughin' it for a few days. :-)
While we were out on Friday looking for a new microwave/convection oven, we still had time to enjoy sampling all the foods at Sam's. We also had Nathan's jumbo, all-beef hot dogs for lunch at Sam's before heading back to the motor home.
We hung around the motor home on Saturday again. Even though the weather was a bit dreary, we still needed to walk the trash up to the dumpster. The last couple of times we did that, we took Freeway for a walk around some of the roads in Rainbow Plantation where the deeded lots are located instead of going to the dog park. This time, we decided to stop at the dog park so Freeway could play. He knows where the dog park is, so he gets very excited when we get close.
Freeway anxious to get into the dog park
Freeway loves, loves, LOVES to chase balls. He tries to catch them, but frequently misses because his mouth is too small even though we got him a smaller ball.
Freeway trying to catch his ball
The downside to using Freeway's smaller ball instead of a tennis ball is the smaller ball fits through the holes in the fence more easily.
Freeway waiting for someone to retrieve his ball from the other side of the fence
Sunday was sunny, but cool, so after church we stayed inside and watched movies on TV.
Monday was another dreary day. Paul ran to Home Depot to pick up some screws to have on hand in case he needs them for installing the new microwave/convection oven when it arrives. On the way, he stopped at Walmart to pick up some ingredients for a crock pot meal we were planning to have sometime in the next couple of days while we don't have a working oven.
The storm that caused a lot of difficulty in the southwest over the past two days is headed our way, and there will be rain followed by falling temperatures. We'll hunker down in the motor home for a couple of days, but we have some plans for later in the week. We'll tell you what that was in our next post.