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January 26, 2015


Janice Williford Evans

well. . .that is just absolutely divine. I do not envy you that tranfer chore in just two days.

We were so blessed that the supervisor at the State Park where we were volunteering did not have a problem with us just pulling the motorhome in and transferring everything from the fifth wheel at our leisure (of course we weren't doing a trade in.)

As you know, it will take months of arranging and rearranging to get it all just right. . .but you certainly have a beautiful place to enjoy while that is all happening. . .congratulations!

Jeff Boldt

Welcome to the 5th wheel world. We had a short adjustment period when we went from our diesel pusher to 5th wheel. We've loved our 5th much better. Good luck and safe travels with yours.

Mike Evringham

Congratulations! Have fun organizing your new digs!


Love your new 5th. The colors are beautiful!

Paul and Marsha

Your new home looks so lovely. I think you will really like having a separate place living quarters from kitchen and bedroom upstairs. We really like ours. We do miss somethings about the motorhome but wouldn't go back. Good luck. Hope Freeway gets to know and love his new home.

Gerri Jones

Oh, Margery and Paul...she is a real beauty!!!! I know you all are having fun fun fun organizing and arranging things to make it uniquely yours!! I am sure Freeway will be just fine :-)
Have fun!!

Tim and LInday Tyler

Congrats on your new digs and change in lifestyle.

Linda & Rob

Wow, what a beauty! Congrats! I don't envy you the job of moving everything aboard. It will take awhile for you to settle in and have everything the way you want it. Even after 2 years in our rig, I'm still rearranging things. And I'm sure Paul already has a list of little improvements he wants to make.

Bob & Jo

Looks great, the Freeway photo helping Paul find the toys was priceless. We'll be doing something very similar but 5er to 5er.

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