Keeping Busy
Wauchula, FL - Events of Monday, February 5 to Friday, February 23, 2018
We sure have been busy during February. For one thing, the Co-op has its annual meeting in February. Not only does the meeting normally take all day, but there is there a lot of planning that has to be done in advance like the preparation of committee reports, lining up a slate of new candidates for election to the Board of Directors, preparation of proposed rule and bylaw changes, and notification of all members of all the items to be voted on at the meeting. Fortunately, we were only involved in the preparation of the reports for our respective committees and attending a number of meetings to see what rule and bylaw changes were being proposed, but that was enough with everything else we were doing.
Margery has the ongoing responsibility of gathering information and writing the monthly newsletter. She is also co-chair of the Public Relations Committee, and that committee has to interface with many other committees in order to do its work effectively so that means she needs to attend even more meetings.
Paul has been working on a project with the Landscape Committee to rid our retention pond of all the overgrown brush and weeds that surround it. Last December, he sprayed the entire perimeter of the pond with a potent vegetation killer. He began pulling out the dead brush in January, and the work parties he has been heading up down at the pond once or twice a week have the banks about 2/3 cleared. That means more work parties need to be scheduled soon if the work is going to be done before the majority of the people leave the Co-op. The next two photos will give you an idea of what the banks of the pond looked like before and after removal of the weeds.
Weeds and brush along the banks of the pond
View of an area of the pond where the brush and weeds have been removed
Another project that has been keeping Paul busy is building a platform bed for the park model. As we mentioned when we wrote about buying a park model, we decided not to purchase the furniture package offered by the selling dealer because we had some specific things in mind we wanted for furniture. One of those things was a platform bed like those in most RVs where there is storage underneath.
Paul began working on the design for the bed shortly after we ordered the park model, but he only got the wood and started building the bed a couple of weeks ago. The next photo shows Paul cutting one of the side pieces for the platform.
Paul working on the platform bed for the park model
Because of all our other activities, Paul has been doing a little work here on the bed and a little there so it's a long way from being finished. We'll have more detailed info and photos when it's done.
In between all the meetings and projects, we still found time to eat out several times. We had lunch at Dee's Place in Sebring one day while out running errands. We each had one of their delicious half-pound burgers.
In order to avoid the Valentine's Day rush, we went to dinner at Texas Roadhouse in Bradenton on February 13th. We both had their 6-ounce sirloin Early Bird Special with a salad and mashed potatoes as our sides. Yum!
We were out running errands in Sebring on Valentine's Day and got unexpectedly delayed. It was around 4:00 and late enough to make it difficult for Margery to have time to prepare dinner when we got back to the Co-op and early enough to beat the Valentine's Day dinner rush so we decided to stop at a new-to-us restaurant on the south side of Sebring called Don Jose. Don Jose has been on our list of restaurants to try because gets excellent online reviews.
Don Jose is an upscale Mexican restaurant. Their decor is a cut above the typical sombreros and serapes hung on the wall and plastic cacti. Outside, there is an alcove with a fountain and attractive container plantings.
Alcove with a fountain and container plantings
Inside, there are tile floors and brightly-colored chairs with different designs carved on the backs.
Brightly-colored chairs with carved designs
Sebring surrounds 3,200-acre Lake Jackson, and Don Jose is located right along the southern shore. It was early enough that we were easily able to get a table with a water view, but the place sure filled up by the time we were finished with our dinners.
Dinners at Don Jose range in price from about $10 to $14. Margery had a chicken chimichanga, and Paul had chili rellenos stuffed with chicken and cheese. Everything was delish!
So that's what's been keeping us busy for the past few weeks. Stay tuned for our next update.
You two are really enjoying your community!! Staying busy and active is such a wonderful thing!! They are fortunate to have you guys and your talents!!
Building a platform bed will certainly give you all some added storage!!
Posted by: Mike and Gerri | February 27, 2018 at 10:55 PM
Way to go Paul. The pond is going to look way, way better. Well done!
I know you guys look forward to get settled into your new digs. Does it feel weird to not be planning your trek to Ohio?
Posted by: Janice L Evans | February 28, 2018 at 08:04 AM
Congratulations Margery. I know you will do a great job.
Another good job, Paul. The pond is going to look so much nicer once all that growth is gone. Y'all will be able to enjoy the sights on the water too.
I love the bright colorful decor of Don Jose.
Keep on having fun and enjoying your new home.
Posted by: Marsha | February 28, 2018 at 08:08 AM